Infinity Loop Model

Infinity Loop Model

Infinity Loop Model

When analyzing the rise and fall of intentional communities, clear patterns emerge in the challenges they face and the reasons for their eventual collapse. Regardless of the governing structure, two factors consistently contribute to their struggles: the unavoidable need for money to sustain the community and the reliance on a leader-driven hierarchical system. These dynamics often create tensions that prove insurmountable, leading to disconnection and eventual failure.

When analyzing the rise and fall of intentional communities, clear patterns emerge in the challenges they face and the reasons for their eventual collapse. Regardless of the governing structure, two factors consistently contribute to their struggles: the unavoidable need for money to sustain the community and the reliance on a leader-driven hierarchical system. These dynamics often create tensions that prove insurmountable, leading to disconnection and eventual failure.

When analyzing the rise and fall of intentional communities, clear patterns emerge in the challenges they face and the reasons for their eventual collapse. Regardless of the governing structure, two factors consistently contribute to their struggles: the unavoidable need for money to sustain the community and the reliance on a leader-driven hierarchical system. These dynamics often create tensions that prove insurmountable, leading to disconnection and eventual failure.

Separation of Village from Company

Most of these challenges can be addressed with one pivotal structural change: separating the finances, resource allocation, and task distribution from direct involvement with the community members. By assigning these responsibilities to an independent entity that operates without direct contact with the people in the community, we eliminate opportunities for bias, favoritism, or corruption to take root.
In this model, community members focus solely on their interactions with one another and fulfilling their roles within the community. When everyone is treated equally, no one is pushed beyond their limits, and any changes must be requested through the LIP App, the potential for inequality or bias is minimized.
While the specifics of how the LIP App operates and how the independent company makes decisions will vary across communities, the critical principle remains the same: maintaining this separation is essential. Without it, corruption and inequality inevitably emerge, undermining the harmony and sustainability of the community.

This model is a defining feature integral to every LIP community.

This model is a defining feature integral to every LIP community.